The Doc10 Film Festival

The Doc10 Film premieres 10 highly curated documentary films in Chicago. Since 2016, Doc10 has developed a reputation as a premier festival on the awards circuit. CMP, Doc10’s parent organization, believes in the power of great documentary storytelling. CMP created Doc10 to bring to our hometown 10 cinematically powerful non-fiction films that illustrate the power of documentary films to entertain, ignite, inspire, and activate audiences.

A Community Festival for Chicago

Doc10 is highly experience for the Chicago community. CMP curates the 10 best documentaries from major film festivals from Sundance to Tribeca, from Toronto to Berlin — and beyond. Each film premiere once over the weekend, followed by Q&As and extended immersive content.

Located in the heart of Lincoln Square, Doc10 draws audiences from all areas of Chicago and the surrounding suburbs. Doc10 is the only chance to see documentaries on the big screen that are focused on issues of local and national relevance. CMP collaborates with community partners and grassroots organizations to amplify their visibility, raise awareness and broaden their engagement with the public.

Our beautiful host theaters, The Davis Theater and The Gene Siskel Film Center, are the perfect home for Doc10. There is simply no better place to see movies in Chicago.

Doc10’s Brand

Doc10 has proven itself a world-class documentary film destination. The festival has premiered films from Oscar-winning directors, and documentary luminaries and legends. Prior films have included Sundance award winners One Child Nation, Knock Down the House, and The Infiltrators; Oscar shortlisted films Midnight Family, Biggest Little Farm, and American Factory; and ground-breaking documentaries covering subjects from climate change, to the power of journalism, to the subtle eloquence of jazz — all through the lens of dramatic storytelling and empathetic, complex main characters. These films serve as impetus for thought-provoking conversation throughout the weekend, and provide festival goers the opportunity to expand on the issues presented in each film.

About CMP

CMP and its community of members have established a reputation as change-makers in the non-fiction film landscape in Chicago, and nationally.

CMP is a 501c3 qualified, nonprofit member-supported organization that brings great documentary films and social impact media to Chicago as well as nationally to promote and foster interest and engagement in documentary projects in unique ways. CMP funds films, presents community events, furthers media innovation and supports mission-aligned organizations.